
Trains Promote Equity

by improving connectivity and accessibility.

The Pacific Northwest has an incredible amount of natural, economic, and cultural bounty. But it's no secret that there are stark differences in quality-of-life for our region's residents that largely follow socioeconomic, geographic, and racial lines. AAWA promotes intercity passenger rail as a tool to help address some of these long-standing disparities for the betterment of our region.


High-qualithy public transportation makes it easier for anybody to get anywhere, from anywhere. Able-bodiedness should not be a determining factor in one's ability to travel across the Pacific Northwest.

Communities of All Sizes

Improving the transportation options between small and large communities will be a critical ingredient in Washington's push to improve equity. AAWA believes that a statewide network of intercity trains can help give more Washingtonians access to the people and places that help them live their best lives.

Economic Opportunity

Owning a car is expensive, yet it's practically a necessity in most parts of Washington. Intercity passenger trains make it possible for more people to access medical care, educational institutions, and employment, recreational, and social opportunities.


Washington has numerous natural geographical barriers that present major challenges to improving equity across the state. Ferries help our island and peninsular communities overcome the challenges of geography -  passenger trains can do the same for mainland Washingtonians on both sides of the Cascade Range.

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