March 7, 2025

AAWA News, March 2025

Help AAWA Plan Our Priorities

What should All Aboard Washington’s priorities be? Help us plan at our Membership Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, on Zoom. See the agenda and register at 

Assist With Our Committees

You can help by volunteering to join our Finance, Fundraising, Communication or Planning Committee. You don’t need to be a Board member to participate. Hear more at tomorrow’s meeting, or contact us if you’re available to assist.

Join Our Forum

Gary Wirt and I have published a new option for communicating among rail advocates. It's a discussion / bulletin board. We hope that the forum will evolve into "the" place where active discussions happen among AAWA, AORTA, and other organizations that advocate for better rail in the Pacific Northwest, but it can be expanded if there is interest. For now, this is a "soft launch." You'll need to register (no charge, of course), and once we have approved you, you'll be able to view and post. Your comments are welcome. Go to and click on Register at the top right. Full speed ahead!

Contact Your Elected Officials

Like many things in DC right now, passenger rail is facing an unsettled future. Our strength lies in the bipartisan support we’ve had for many years. But we can’t take anything for granted. Please contact your US Senators, US House members, and Washington State Legislature members, and let them know that passenger rail is important to you and your neighbors. And don’t forget to ask your family and friends in other states to contact their elected officials as well.

Donations Needed

We continue to need your support to maintain our advocacy, including Whistle Stops for legislators, statewide Train Treks, local presentations, and regional Rail Summits, and coalition-building efforts. Please make a recurring or one-time donation at 


Charlie Hamilton
Co-Executive Director
All Aboard Washington