August 1, 2015
AAWA's Charlie Hamilton honored by NARP
Photo by Ken Briers
At the April NARP council meeting our own Charlie Hamilton was recognized for his service in helping select NARP’s new database/web vendor. Presenting the award are President Jim Mathews, left, and Chairman Bob Stewart. Here is the text of his award:
National Association of Railroad Passengers
Jack Martin Award
Named for the National Association of Railroad Passengers' volunteer president of over two decades, this award is given only to individuals who have given significant and valiant efforts to the cause of America's rail travelers.
This honor is hereby bestowed upon Charles Hamilton for his efforts in bringing the Association's advocacy efforts into the Twenty-First Century. Though his contributions travel through the ether, they have and will continue to have substantive impact for those traveling aboard High Iron.
Presented in April of 2015 Washington, D.C.