April 26, 2019
Please support cross-state rail service proviso in ESHB 1160
We're sending this letter to all of the Washington state legislators today:
Dear <<Title>> <<Last Name>>:
All Aboard Washington, on behalf of our members, asks for your support in adopting the cross-state passenger rail study proviso included in ESHB 1160. Linked here, please find a one-pager briefly describing the proposal and our reasons for supporting it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me in email at [email protected] or by phone at 206.931.5921.
All the best,
Harvey Bowen
Board President
All Aboard WashingtonAll Aboard Washington is a 501(c)(3) membership organization supporting passenger and freight mobility in Washington State.
Please contact your representatives to remind them to support the cross-state rail service proviso in ESHB 1160. You may find out how to contact your state legislators here.