July 6, 2014
URGENT - Letters Needed for Seattle's Center City Connector!
Fellow Rail Advocates,
We need to write to members of the Seattle City Council and urge them to proceed with the planning for the Center City Connector (CCC) - the streetcar line that will connect the South Lake Union and First Hill lines. As I have mentioned in the past, it is this line along 1st Avenue that will accommodate the reactivation of the Benson streetcars and provide a historic trolley run from the International District, through Pioneer Square, past the Market and on to MOHAI.
Recently, the Council delayed action to select 1st Avenue as the preferred alignment for the CCC when some members questioned the idea of using streetcars at all. This action was taken despite a unanimous recommendation from the Council's Transportation Committee to proceed with the project as planned by SDOT.
If the Council refuses to support the use of streetcars on 1st Avenue, we will have no chance of seeing the vintage Benson cars in service on our streets again.
Please write the members of the Seattle City Council and express your support for the CCC. You can mention that connecting the SLU and FH lines on 1st Avenue provides the only opportunity to reactivate the Benson streetcars and that you strongly support that result.
The George Benson cars were saved from being sold to St. Louis by the writing of many dozens of letters. Let's preserve what we've started by letting the City Council know that we want the vintage cars on the streets of Seattle again. Particularly vital for Seattle residents to write. For the majority of you who are not Seattle residents, the Benson streetcars, as well as other forms passenger rail to and within Seattle, are important reasons we are willing to visit, shop, and enjoy Washington state’s largest city.
The Council will consider the CCC again on July 21st so please write your letter as soon as possible. Individual Councilmember e-mail addresses follow:
Tim Burgess, Council President; tim.burgess@seattle.gov
Sally Bagshaw; sally.bagshaw@seattle.gov
Sally Clark; sally.clark@seattle.gov
Jean Godden; jean.godden@seattle.gov
Bruce Harrell; bruce.harrell@seattle.gov
Nick Licata; nick.licata@seattle.gov
Mike O'Brien; mike.obrien@seattle.gov
Tom Rasmussen; tom.rasmussen@seattle.gov
Kshama Sawant; kshama.sawant@seattle.gov
Mayor Murray is supporting the CCC so It would be useful to let him know he has your support.
His e-mail address is;
- Lloyd Flem
This Letter was originally from Tom Gibbs, who