January 19, 2024
Washington State Legislators Support Passenger Rail Service Through Yakima Valley
All Aboard Washington arranged for central Washington legislators to support service through the Yakima Valley.
January 19, 2024
Amit Bose
Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590Dear Administrator Bose:
As you know, in accordance with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, your Administration is currently conducting a study to evaluate the restoration of intercity passenger rail service along Amtrak long-distance routes that were discontinued. Among the routes being considered for restoration is the route of the North Coast Hiawatha which was discontinued in 1979. During much of its history, the North Coast Hiawatha served Washington state via Burlington Northern Santa Fe’s Stampede Pass route between Spokane – Pasco –Yakima – Ellensburg – East Auburn - Seattle. When the North Coast Hiawatha was discontinued, the cities along the route continued to be served by the Empire Builder until that service was rerouted over Stevens Pass in 1981.
The existing Stampede Pass route is the preferred route for restoration of passenger rail service in central Washington because of the economic and social well-being benefits for rural areas including those of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. This route provides enhanced connectivity to the national long-distance network for 600,000+ residents of central Washington who lost some, or all, long-distance service in 1981.
Thank you for considering this important route segment in your plans for restoration of long-distance service in Washington state. Please see the attached signature page expressing support from additional Washington State Legislators.
Senator Curtis King, 14th Legislative District
Senator Judy Warnick, 13th District
Senator Jeff Wilson, 19th District
Rep. Tom Dent, 13th District
Rep. Andrew Barkis, 2nd District
Rep. Joe Schmick, 9th District
Rep. Alex Ybarra, 13th District
Senator Nikki Torres, 15th District
Rep. Bryan Sandlin, 15th District