Latest News from AAWA
Year-End News from AAWA
We have had a successful year, and 2020 looks to be even busier. Check out the latest from our website and social media, as well as other sources....
Mid-December Updates From Olympia
The Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) presented an update of the East-West Intercity Passenger Rail Study at the Capitol on Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2019. Dave Catterson of the JTC was joined by Ian Sproul of Steer, the consulting group selected to conduct the study. Sproul summarized Steer’s outreach efforts in Yakima and the Tri-Cities, their modeling work to date, and their anticipated next steps for the project. Catterson and Sproul also took the time to answer the questions of representatives. Rep. Beohnke of Kennewick expressed his interest in improving cooperation with local councils of government, saying, “Let me know, of course, so I can help make sure they’re highly motivated.” The study is due in June 2020, with a significant progress report expected in May. The route in question, the Stampede Pass rail line owned by Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad, handled passenger trains for over 90 years until 1981. The next day, WSDOT conducted a meeting at their Olympia headquarters providing an update to the state rail plan....
Cascades Service Improvements
The need for fast, frequent, and reliable passenger rail service in Washington has never been more urgent. All Aboard Washington’s (AAWA’s) goal is to make passenger rail service safer, more comfortable, more reliable, faster, and more frequent....
AAWA Honors Lloyd Flem, Jim Hamre, & Zack Willhoite
Nearly 80 people gathered at the Washington state capitol building on Saturday, December 14th, 2019 to celebrate Lloyd Flem, a passenger rail advocate who has served All Aboard Washington (AAWA) for nearly 35 years....
Restoring Cascades Service Levels
All Aboard Washington urges WSDOT, Amtrak, and ODOT to replace the trainset lost in the Cascades 501 accident and to restart service on the Point Defiance Bypass at the December 2017 planned running time and frequency of service, as soon as possible....
Re-Evaluating Our Priorities
We should put ALL options on the table, and make 2020 the year that we finally set our transportation priorities straight....
Presentations at Eastern Oregon Rail Summit
Presentations at Eastern Oregon Rail Summit, La Grande, OR, October 26, 2019...
North Whatcom Discusses Cascades Train Station
Amtrak Cascades trains pass right through the heart of Blaine, Washington, a picturesque town along the US-Canada border. Despite its popularity among visitors, Blaine is difficult to reach without a car. With existing tracks and an old station building beside their historic downtown, Blaine’s residents and businesses could benefit hugely from having a Cascades train station. All Aboard Washington (AAWA) held a meeting at Semiahmoo Resort on July 13th to discuss the idea of opening a station in Blaine....
Media covers AAWA Blaine meeting
All Aboard Washington's meeting in Blaine has generated media coverage from both sides of the border....
High-speed rail study published
WSDOT's ultra-high-speed rail study has been published, and has received attention from many media outlets....