Latest News from AAWA
All Aboard Washington response to WSDOT's decision to replace Talgo Series VI trainsets
The Northwest deserves the safest, most reliable, and most comfortable rail service available, while maintaining and improving current schedules and levels of service. All Aboard Washington supports the efforts of all involved groups to determine the best and safest way to continue delivering Amtrak Cascades service, and encourages all involved entities to take reasoned actions based on the forthcoming final report from the NTSB. As a member-based educational and advocacy organization, AAWA relies on engineering experts at WSDOT, FRA, NTSB and other organizations and stakeholders. We recognize that well-intentioned experts may disagree, and we encourage discussion between all knowledgeable parties to build consensus on maintaining the best possible safety, reliability, and service....
All Aboard Washington statements regarding NTSB board meeting to determine the probable cause of the Dec. 18, 2017, Amtrak accident near DuPont, Washington
All Aboard Washington is heartened that yesterday’s board meeting showed the NTSB is considering all factors that could be addressed to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our late board members Jim Hamre and Zack Willhoite who perished in this incident would expect All Aboard Washington to take all that can be learned from this incident and apply it to our advocacy while reminding our members and the traveling public that passenger trains are and remain far safer than most other forms of passenger travel. All Aboard Washington is looking forward to reviewing the upcoming NTSB report, learning from it, and advocating for safer, more, and better passenger rail services for Washington State....
Register for the RPA NW meeting
Only two weeks until the RPA regional meeting in Cut Bank, MT. It's not too late to register online!
Cross-state rail service study funding approved
The AAWA proviso to fund a study of cross-state passenger rail service was included in the state transportation budget which passed overwhelmingly today. The study will be the responsibility of the Joint Transportation Committee. We will post more information as it becomes available....
Please support cross-state rail service proviso in ESHB 1160
We're sending this letter to all of the Washington state legislators today: All Aboard Washington, on behalf of our members, asks for your support in adopting the cross-state passenger rail study proviso included in ESHB 1160....
It’s Time for Cross-State Passenger Trains for Washington
A return of passenger train service between Seattle, South Central Washington and Spokane, would benefit residents and tourists alike, providing needed economic stimulus for tourism, spread business opportunities and prosperity, as well as provide connections for educational opportunities and social mobility, in all weather....
Small But Mighty: Improving Seattle-Vancouver Cascades Service
While the Point Defiance Bypass will eventually deliver improvements for the Seattle to Portland runs, the route to Vancouver remains a relative disappointment. However, on the subject of running time, it is possible to make some significant improvements with little capital expense....
AAWA's New Logo
Why is AAWA changing its logo? AAWA is completing several important materials, including the new website and one-page summaries of our organization and policy requests for Olympia. As part of this, we must have a strong brand identity that builds recognition of AAWA among our stakeholders while ensuring we are seen and heard consistently....
Winter AAWA Newsletter Available
The Fourth Quarter 2018 newsletter from All Aboard Washington is available at online and as a printable PDF....
All Aboard Washington Joins Coalition to Oppose I-976
On January 3, representatives of All Aboard Washington stood on the steps of the Washington State Capitol, outside the Secretary of State's Office, to protest Tim Eyman's latest initiative I-976. I-976 would cap annual vehicle registration fees at $30, roll back vehicle weight fees set by the Legislature and repeal voter-approved car tab taxes to pay for Sound Transit 3, the $34 billion expansion designed to take light rail from Everett to Tacoma, to West Seattle and Ballard, and east to Redmond. Worst of all for for us, Amtrak Cascades and freight mobility projects would be gutted. Dozens of cities would lose money for road resurfacing and maintenance....