
Latest News from AAWA

North Whatcom Discusses Cascades Train Station

Amtrak Cascades trains pass right through the heart of Blaine, Washington, a picturesque town along the US-Canada border. Despite its popularity among visitors, Blaine is difficult to reach without a car. With existing tracks and an old station building beside their historic downtown, Blaine’s residents and businesses could benefit hugely from having a Cascades train station. All Aboard Washington (AAWA) held a meeting at Semiahmoo Resort on July 13th to discuss the idea of opening a station in Blaine....

High-speed rail study published

WSDOT's ultra-high-speed rail study has been published, and has received attention from many media outlets....

All Aboard Washington meets July 13 in Blaine

We'll be meeting at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine on Saturday, July 13, for presentations and discussions with local officials on how Amtrak Cascades could better serve Blaine, Whatcom County, White Rock, Surrey and the surrounding area....

Governor signs transportation budget with funding for study of east-west rail service

On May 21, Governor Inslee signed the state transportation budget, including funding for a study of east-west passenger rail service for which All Aboard Washington has advocated. The study will be undertaken by the Joint Transportation Committee (JTC), and is due for release in June, 2020. JTC Coordinator Dave Catterson will speak at the AAWA public meeting in Tumwater on June 8, 2019....

All Aboard Washington response to WSDOT's decision to replace Talgo Series VI trainsets

The Northwest deserves the safest, most reliable, and most comfortable rail service available, while maintaining and improving current schedules and levels of service. All Aboard Washington supports the efforts of all involved groups to determine the best and safest way to continue delivering Amtrak Cascades service, and encourages all involved entities to take reasoned actions based on the forthcoming final report from the NTSB. As a member-based educational and advocacy organization, AAWA relies on engineering experts at WSDOT, FRA, NTSB and other organizations and stakeholders. We recognize that well-intentioned experts may disagree, and we encourage discussion between all knowledgeable parties to build consensus on maintaining the best possible safety, reliability, and service....

All Aboard Washington statements regarding NTSB board meeting to determine the probable cause of the Dec. 18, 2017, Amtrak accident near DuPont, Washington

All Aboard Washington is heartened that yesterday’s board meeting showed the NTSB is considering all factors that could be addressed to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our late board members Jim Hamre and Zack Willhoite who perished in this incident would expect All Aboard Washington to take all that can be learned from this incident and apply it to our advocacy while reminding our members and the traveling public that passenger trains are and remain far safer than most other forms of passenger travel. All Aboard Washington is looking forward to reviewing the upcoming NTSB report, learning from it, and advocating for safer, more, and better passenger rail services for Washington State....

Register for the RPA NW meeting

Only two weeks until the RPA regional meeting in Cut Bank, MT. It's not too late to register online!