Latest News from AAWA
AAWA News, October 2024
Don’t forget to vote!; Report from Spokane Summit; Gary Wirt named to state work group; Joint AORTA-AAWA meeting in Portland, Saturday, November 9; Amtrak Board of Directors Meeting in Seattle, Wednesday, December 4; Greater Northwest Winter Gathering in Centralia, Saturday, December 14; AAWA Annual Meeting on Zoom, Saturday, January 11; It’s not too soon to donate to AAWA as part of your year-end giving!; Check the AAWA website for the latest news...
Psst! Want a sneak peek into the future of rail?
Join All Aboard Northwest, All Aboard Washington and the PNWER Regional Infrastructure Accelerator in Spokane or online October 8-9. You can make a difference! For more information and to register, see
AAWA News, July-August 2024
Reminder: AAWA Picnic on Saturday, August 10; Successful Matching Donation Drive; Remembering Lloyd Flem; Primary Election, August 6; Third Annual Greater Northwest Rail Summit, Spokane, October 8-9; From Our Coalition Partners; Save These Dates; COVID Is Still With Us; Check with for the Latest News...
Remembering Lloyd Flem - Updated July 7
All Aboard Washington regrets to announce that AAWA's former executive director, Lloyd Flem, passed last evening. His family asks for no calls. The funeral service is set for 10 am on July 15 at Funeral Alternatives of Washington, 455 North Street Southeast, Tumwater, WA 98501....
AAWA News, June-July 2024
Donate now to triple the benefit; Auction Success; Reporting from FRA and BSPRA Meetings in Missoula; Join us in Spokane, October 8-9; AAWA Picnic on August 10; Save These Dates; COVID Is Still With Us; Check with for the Latest News...
Reporting from FRA and BSPRA Meetings in Missoula
Gary Wirt and Charlie Hamilton traveled to Missoula to represent AAWA and other rail advocacy organizations to provide feedback to the Federal Railroad Administration's Long Distance Service Study during the fourth of four meetings on June 6....
Meet us in Missoula!
Please make a special donation to cover our costs at and With your help, we can continue our advocacy for better rail in our region....
AAWA News, May 2024
Meeting and Auction, AAWA Joins the No on I-2117 Coalition, Working to Improve the National Network, Save These Dates, We Rely On Your Support...
Join Us for AAWA's General Meeting and Silent Auction, May 18, 2024
AAWA Auction and "All Aboard Washington and Forty Years of Passenger Rail Expansion" A Presentation from Jeff Schultz, Senior Transit and Rail Planner, David Evans and Associates, and a Longtime AAWA member...
Organizations Detail Rail Infrastructure Needs
All Aboard Washington is only one of many organizations that submitted comments on the Draft Amtrak Cascades Preliminary Service Development Plan (SDP) proposed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), which expands the current Cascades six round-trips to 16 round-trips per day between Seattle and Portland, six round-trips per day between Seattle, Bellingham and Vancouver BC, and six round-trips per day between Portland and Eugene OR....