Latest News from AAWA
Support AAWA This Spring
We want big things to happen in 2023. Please continue to support All Aboard Washington through your memberships and other contributions....
AAWA Response to WSDOT Blog: Seriously Evaluate Benefits to Society of East-West Service
Rather than continue to speculate about the cost and benefits of the East-West service, let’s encourage our elected officials to conduct the additional work (studies) needed, as recommended by STEER, so that decision makers have the data necessary to determine whether Seattle-Spokane service via Stampede pass is, or is not, cost beneficial....
Meeting Reminder, May 2023
The All Aboard Washington General Meeting will be held this Saturday, May 13. The regular business meeting will be held at 1:00 pm, and at 2:00 pm, we will hear from Herb Krohn, Washington state legislative director for SMART-TD, the union representing operating crews. Please register online to join us on Zoom....
AAWA News, April 2023
Celebrating Earth Day By Supporting Seamless Mobility, Sharing the Benefits of Passenger Rail, The Rail Policy Coalition is Growing, More on the FRA Study to Restore Discontinued Amtrak Routes, Sponsor AAWA Events, Save the Dates for These Meetings, AAWA and Rail Advocacy in the News, Follow Us on
A Regional Coalition of Transportation, Environmental, Health Care, Labor and Community Organizations Releases Updated Policy Recommendations Supporting Rail
A cross-border coalition of organizations have jointly endorsed a statement of policy recommendations focusing on the importance of rail in meeting the Greater Northwest’s goals of improved mobility, economic growth, environmental sustainability and socio-economic equity....
AAWA Submits Proviso for Benefit-Cost Analysis of East-West Passenger Rail Service
As recommended by the 2020 Joint Transportation Committee study, the next step toward re-establishing passenger rail service between Spokane and Seattle is to conduct a benefit-cost analysis as required to receive funding from the Federal Railroad Administration....
New Amtrak Cascades schedule effective March 6, 2023
The revised Cascades schedule includes additional service that is being re-established for the first time since the pandemic began....
AAWA News, February 2023
Comment on FRA study, Changes to rail in 2023, Donate now to triple the benefit to AAWA, 2023 Train Trek goes to college(s), Legislative testimony, Other news, Follow us on
AAWA Participates in North Sound Transportation Alliance Meeting
AAWA participated in the meeting of the North Sound Transportation Alliance, held February 17, 2023....
AAWA Testifies to WA Legislature's House Transportation Committee
It’s time to Invest In Rail and complete our multimodal rail system by linking the Link Light Rail, Sounder, and the Amtrak Cascades on the west side to much-needed service east of the mountains. Research shows that all of this can be done soon, and will be necessary to support UHSR when it is completed in the future....